what should I do for using variable in scripts?
I describe Variable like Variable1.
So, I set value it in frxReport1's onGetValue.
--> frxReport1.Variables.Variables := 'N';
when I want to use this variable in FR3 Scriptte(Memo1OnBeforePrint),
I get an error message.
--> if <Variable1> = 'N' then Visible := false;
Error Mesage is : The fallowing error(s) have occured:
Memo1:Error in expression ": Expression expected
what should I do for using variable in scripts?
Thank you
So, I set value it in frxReport1's onGetValue.
--> frxReport1.Variables.Variables := 'N';
when I want to use this variable in FR3 Scriptte(Memo1OnBeforePrint),
I get an error message.
--> if <Variable1> = 'N' then Visible := false;
Error Mesage is : The fallowing error(s) have occured:
Memo1:Error in expression ": Expression expected
what should I do for using variable in scripts?
Thank you
frxReport1.Variables.Variables := '''' + 'N' + '''';