Creating a Chart from band count


I have a report that groups and counts detail lines on a GroupFooter band using the expresson: [Count(Band4)]. Band4 is the detail band. It may look like this:

Group xxxx
Detail line
Detail line
Detail line

Group xxxx total lines: 3

Group yyyy
Detail line
Detail line
Detail line
Detail line
Detail line

Group yyyy total lines: 5


I wish to represent those group counts in a bar graph. Is it possible? I have no idea where to get started can someone provide some hints or documentation to read?

Thank you,



  • edited 4:48PM
    Hi everyone out there;

    Since I'm thinking that I won't be able to re-use footer count data on the chart, I was planning to write code on the code tab to collect this information into an array.

    I'm using FR from an xbase language and thus I'm somewhat unsure about Pascal. I start the script with:
       ResultsRec : Record
           cGroupDesc : String[ 30 ] ;             
           nCount : Integer ;
      nCount, nTotalCount : Double ;
      ResultsArray : Array of ResultsRec;
      nIndex : Integer;                                        

    To which I'm geting an error right on the 1st line -the Type declaration. The error states "Begin expected". Is it that type declarations are illegal on FR code?

    Please help!

  • edited 4:48PM
    Hello, again.

    Since I don't get any answers, I decided to re-write the script avoiding to use array of records. Instead I'm creating two different arrays. One holds the group description and the other the total count. I grow each array on Procedure AfterGroupFooterPrints() and after growing the array I save the values. That is working fine. The question now is, how can I use these array saved values as a series on a chart?

    Thank you,


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