
edited 4:27AM in FastReport 3.0
I have a PictureView on a MasterData band linked to a paradox table. When I preview the report I get "Streat read error" if there is no picture in one of the graphic fields in the tables.

I went to the FR3demo selected the (Memos and Picture) report cleared one of the pictures (fish image) in the DBDEMOS biofile.db and observed. There was no error.

Set the properties of the Pictureview object, the MasterData object, the Page object to match the demo report but still getting the error.

What am I missing, do I need to set some other property?



  • edited 4:27AM
    Seems empty blob field gives that error. Will fix it.
  • edited 4:27AM
    I thought it was a bug at first but after modifing the DBDEMOS biofile.db table and clearing one of the fishes in the grafic field, I previewed the (Memos and Picture) report and got no error? Why would it not give the same error there?

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