Creating Header groups from code runtime
I let my useres group their reports in runtime, means when they click a column header i add a Header Group to the report in the Object clicked event and call the frxPreview1.RefreshReport procedure.
The problem is while i was developing that functionality before the refresh report i called frxReport.DesignPreviewReport witch showed me the report in designer, for debuging reasons. And everything worked well, now i removed the DesignPreviewReport call and now the report gets rendered wrong.
Now the group headers are overllaping and the footer have expression fields witch are not calculated, can anyone help me please?
Here is the code i use for adding the groups (I have one group header/footer saved in report as template for all others):
The problem is while i was developing that functionality before the refresh report i called frxReport.DesignPreviewReport witch showed me the report in designer, for debuging reasons. And everything worked well, now i removed the DesignPreviewReport call and now the report gets rendered wrong.
Now the group headers are overllaping and the footer have expression fields witch are not calculated, can anyone help me please?
Here is the code i use for adding the groups (I have one group header/footer saved in report as template for all others):
Header := TfrxGroupHeader.Create
Header.Top := TfrxBand(frxReport1.FindObject('MasterData1')).Top;
Header.Height := TfrxGroupHeader(frxReport1.FindObject('GroupHeader1'))
Header.condition := condition;
Footer := TfrxGroupFooter.Create(TfrxPage(frxReport1.FindObject('basePage')));
Footer.Top := TfrxBand(frxReport1.FindObject('MasterData1')).Top;
Footer.FHeader := Header;
Footer.Height := TfrxGroupFooter(frxReport1.FindObject('GroupFooter1'))
Footer.Width := TfrxGroupFooter(frxReport1.FindObject('GroupFooter1'))
Footer.Left := TfrxGroupFooter(frxReport1.FindObject('GroupFooter1')).Left;
Footer.Top := TfrxGroupFooter(frxReport1.FindObject('GroupFooter1')).Top;
TfrxGroupFooter(frxReport1.FindObject('GroupFooter1')).Parent := Footer;
for i := 0 to TfrxGroupFooter(frxReport1.FindObject('GroupFooter1'))
.AllObjects.Count - 1 do
// SysMemo := TfrxSysMemoView.Create(Footer);
c := frxReport1.FindObject('GroupFooter1').AllObjects[i];
if (c is TfrxSysMemoView) then
SysMemo := TfrxSysMemoView.Create(Footer);
SysMemo.Text := TfrxSysMemoView©.Text;
SysMemo.Height := TfrxSysMemoView©.Height;
SysMemo.Width := TfrxSysMemoView©.Width;
SysMemo.Left := TfrxSysMemoView©.Left;
SysMemo.Top := TfrxSysMemoView©.Top;
SysMemo.VAlign := TfrxSysMemoView©.VAlign;
SysMemo.HAlign := TfrxSysMemoView©.HAlign;
SysMemo.Font := TfrxSysMemoView©.Font;
Memo := TfrxMemoView.Create(Header);
Memo.Name := 'grpHeader' + IntToStr(groupList.Count + 1);
Memo.Text := ReplaceStr(TfrxMemoView(frxReport1.FindObject('hd_' + field))
.Memo.Text + ': [frxDBDataset1."' + field + '"]', #$D#$A, '');
Memo.Width := TfrxMemoView(frxReport1.FindObject('grpHeader1')).Width;
Memo.Height := TfrxMemoView(frxReport1.FindObject('grpHeader1')).Height;
Memo.Left := TfrxMemoView(frxReport1.FindObject('grpHeader1')).Left;
Memo.Top := TfrxMemoView(frxReport1.FindObject('grpHeader1')).Top;
Memo.VAlign := TfrxMemoView(frxReport1.FindObject('grpHeader1')).VAlign;
Memo.HAlign := TfrxMemoView(frxReport1.FindObject('grpHeader1')).HAlign;
Memo.Font := TfrxMemoView(frxReport1.FindObject('grpHeader1')).Font;
qLIK.IndexFieldNames := qLIK.IndexFieldNames + ';' + field;