Save ti DB from Designer
Sri Lanka
I'm new to FastReport and we are going to use FastReport with our new project. I have couple of questions regarding the Report Designer.
1. Is there any possibility to open Report Designer on a web application.
2. How do I save my report changes to DB from Report Designer. For an example, I'm loading report from the database using "report.LoadFromString(reportString);" Is there any way to save updated report string (through report designer) back to DB through my web application.
Appreciate your swift response.
I'm new to FastReport and we are going to use FastReport with our new project. I have couple of questions regarding the Report Designer.
1. Is there any possibility to open Report Designer on a web application.
2. How do I save my report changes to DB from Report Designer. For an example, I'm loading report from the database using "report.LoadFromString(reportString);" Is there any way to save updated report string (through report designer) back to DB through my web application.
Appreciate your swift response.
1) The report designer can be used from Windows.Forms application only.
2) See the programmer's manual, "Working with Windows.Forms/Replacing the "Open" and "Save" dialogs". Also see the demo at Demos\C#\CustomOpenSaveDialogs which does exactly what you need.