FastReport 4.9 problem IIF Function
Which is the right syntax of IIF Function?
I have this expression
[IIF(StrToInt(COPY(<frxDBDataset1."BI_COD">,1,1)) mod 2=1, 'domnul', 'doamna')] and i get the error that ')' is missing.
i've tried and something easier like
[IIF(1=1,'yes','no')] and i get the same error message.
Has anyone used iif function in FastReport 4.9?
I have this expression
[IIF(StrToInt(COPY(<frxDBDataset1."BI_COD">,1,1)) mod 2=1, 'domnul', 'doamna')] and i get the error that ')' is missing.
i've tried and something easier like
[IIF(1=1,'yes','no')] and i get the same error message.
Has anyone used iif function in FastReport 4.9?
[IIF(1=1,'yes','no')] works OK with FR 4.12