Semi transparent text

Hello all,
Although my search about this topic did not show any result I was wondering if there is any way to display a semi transparent text in a FR page. For my demo application I need to display a big "DEMO" word but need transparency so that the plots beneath it to be visible.
Thank you all for your time, I am using the latest FR Standard build for Delphi
Kindest regards
Although my search about this topic did not show any result I was wondering if there is any way to display a semi transparent text in a FR page. For my demo application I need to display a big "DEMO" word but need transparency so that the plots beneath it to be visible.
Thank you all for your time, I am using the latest FR Standard build for Delphi
Kindest regards
Hello gordk,
Thank you for your reply but using the overlay band does not make the text appear in semi transparent, it just overlaps all objects behind it. I am displaying plots in the page so I need a watermark like appearance of my overlay band text. Is this possible?
Does anyone have any idea if this is possible? I need to answer my client for this feature and I really need an official answer so that I know what to do next.
See attach
Thank you for your answer. My report pages include a lot of images so the overlay band gets covered by the pictures and the result is quite "ugly". Too bad