problem with INF and NAN in Fast Report

Designe- time - I'am working in delphi.
I have prepared report.
It works fine, ok, well.
Some of tfrxMemoView makes division, lats say a/b.
When b=0 report writes INF or NAN (depends on value of a).
It's OK, wonderful, excellent.
My report name component in delphi is REPORT1.
Now in delphi I compile my project. There is line
Report1.ShowReport; (for example in Button1Click procedure)
I press Button1.... and...
Project.exe raised exception class EZeroDivide with message "floating point division by zero'.
My good report now NOT WORKS!!!!
I tried with
DesignReport insteed of ShowReport.
I have window with designer but..... now report not works, too...
So the ONLY PLACE WHEN REPORT IS GOOD is designe mode in Delphi XE.
What I can do if I want my report printing NAN or INF in .exe, too - not only in delphi envoirement?
So NAN and INF are OK - but why it appear only during design tim under delphi platform - and never in .exe?
Best regards


  • gpigpi
    edited 7:39PM
    Try to set Report1.EngineOptions.IgnoreDevByZero := True

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