Question about creating report programmatically(Delphi 2007)
Hello fast report community!
So my fquestion is how does memo and masterdata controls work together? For the moment, I have a masterdata on my frxreport interface and I add memos in it dynamicly at runtime. I set each memo a datafield and everything is working great because the memos are fill automaticly from the datafield but what I want to do is to fetch my query and to create masterdata rows and memos dynamicly so I have more control over it. The thing is, I dont know how controls work..Like when I set a datafield on a memo I write automaticly every rows data from my query on the report, but are each new lines a new memo or masterdata row? I'm kinda lost at the moment trying to understand how it work in background...
What i want to do is something like this:
Seriously I'm lost somehow...Hope you can understand my need!
Thanks, Marc.
So my fquestion is how does memo and masterdata controls work together? For the moment, I have a masterdata on my frxreport interface and I add memos in it dynamicly at runtime. I set each memo a datafield and everything is working great because the memos are fill automaticly from the datafield but what I want to do is to fetch my query and to create masterdata rows and memos dynamicly so I have more control over it. The thing is, I dont know how controls work..Like when I set a datafield on a memo I write automaticly every rows data from my query on the report, but are each new lines a new memo or masterdata row? I'm kinda lost at the moment trying to understand how it work in background...
What i want to do is something like this:
for I := 0 to qry.recordcount do
  Add new masterdata row?... Â
  for I := 0 to qry.fieldCount do
  Add memo in new masterdata
Seriously I'm lost somehow...Hope you can understand my need!
Thanks, Marc.
Like in this picture imagine each text would be a memo and each row a masterdata? How does a memo work in background when when you set a datafield to it? Cause when you set the datafield the memo automaticly create "rows" and set the data to it........
See also PrintTable and PrintStringGrid demos in FR's DEMOS folder