Inline Font size?


Can I use inline font size and color in a memo?

Name:[dataset1.field1] , price: <font size="5" color="red">x [dataset1.price] </font>

Thank you


  • gpigpi
    edited 6:14AM
    You can use <font color> tag only
    2.4 HTML-tags in the ???Text??? object
    Yes, this object does understand some simple HTML tags. Tags can be located
    inside the text of an object. Tags are disabled by default; to enable them, either select the
    ???Allow HTML tags??? item in the object context menu, or enable the ???AllowHTMLTags???
    property in the object inspector. Here is the list of supported tags:
    - bold text
    - text in italic
    - underlined text
    <sub> - subscript
    - superscript
    <font color> - font color
    Notice that not too many tags are supported, but it is rather enough for the
    majority of applications. It is impossible to modify font size and name; otherwise the
    text-rendering unit in FastReport would become very complex.
  • edited January 2012
    gpi wrote: »
    2.4 HTML-tags in the "Text" object
    It is impossible to modify font size and name; otherwise the
    text-rendering unit in FastReport would become very complex.

    Yes, very compex, but an little HTML replacement for RichEdit ....
    I use RichEdit because I need font size (maybe sometime font name) and text alignment changes.
    And in FireMonkey there is not currently any RichEdit.

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