Internal FastReport error

edited 9:50PM in FastReport 4.0
Wondering if I can get some help with an error that has been haunting my application. The error occurs for my end users and I can't seem to reproduce or track it down. The exception report I get displays the error inside of FastReports but I'm doing some pretty crazy 'ReportGetValue' lookups so I'm sure it's something I'm doing.

Can someone from FastReports give me a hint as to what is happening at line 1508 in frxPreviewPages.pas?
List index out of bounds (5).
Exception stack
[004254D5]{ORGdesign.exe} Classes.TList.Get
[00601964]{ORGdesign.exe} frxPreviewPages.TfrxPreviewPages.DrawPage (Line 1508, "frxPreviewPages.pas" + 1)

I'm assuming it's a lookup that doesn't exist. Is it in the ReportGetValue area or something else?

Thanks for any help!


  • gpigpi
    edited 9:50PM
    What build of FR do you use?
  • edited 9:50PM
    Sorry for the delay. That was from version 4.11.8.

  • gpigpi
    edited 9:50PM
    Attach small demo project with problem here
  • edited 9:50PM
    I can't actually reproduce the problem myself to create a demo. My users have been seeing the problem. I was hoping someone with access to the source could see what is happening around line 1508 in frxPreviewPages.pas. Do you think I'd need to submit a support request?

  • gpigpi
    edited November 2011
    Line 1508 is
          r := Rect(Round(AbsLeft * ScaleX) - 20, Round(AbsTop * ScaleY) - 20,
                    Round((AbsLeft + Width) * ScaleX + 20),
                    Round((AbsTop + Height) * ScaleY + 20));

    full code:
    procedure TfrxPreviewPages.DrawPage(Index: Integer; Canvas: TCanvas;
      ScaleX, ScaleY, OffsetX, OffsetY: Extended);
      i: Integer;
      Page: TfrxReportPage;
      l: TList;
      c: TfrxComponent;
      IsPrinting: Boolean;
      SaveLeftMargin, SaveRightMargin: Extended;
      rgn: HRGN;
      function ViewVisible(c: TfrxComponent): Boolean;
        r: TRect;
        with c do
          r := Rect(Round(AbsLeft * ScaleX) - 20, Round(AbsTop * ScaleY) - 20,
                    Round((AbsLeft + Width) * ScaleX + 20),
                    Round((AbsTop + Height) * ScaleY + 20));
        OffsetRect(r, Round(OffsetX), Round(OffsetY));
        Result := RectVisible(Canvas.Handle, r) or (Canvas is TMetafileCanvas);
      Page := GetPage(Index);
      if Page = nil then Exit;
      SaveLeftMargin := Page.LeftMargin;
      SaveRightMargin := Page.RightMargin;
      if Page.MirrorMargins and (Index mod 2 = 1) then
        Page.LeftMargin := SaveRightMargin;
        Page.RightMargin := SaveLeftMargin;
      IsPrinting := Canvas is TfrxPrinterCanvas;
      rgn := 0;
      if not IsPrinting then
        rgn := CreateRectRgn(0, 0, 10000, 10000);
        GetClipRgn(Canvas.Handle, rgn);
          Round(OffsetX + Page.PaperWidth * fr01cm * ScaleX) - 1,
          Round(OffsetY + Page.PaperHeight * fr01cm * ScaleY) - 1);
      Page.IsPrinting := IsPrinting;
      Page.Draw(Canvas, ScaleX, ScaleY, OffsetX, OffsetY);
      OffsetX := OffsetX + Page.LeftMargin * fr01cm * ScaleX;
      OffsetY := OffsetY + Page.TopMargin * fr01cm * ScaleY;
      l := Page.AllObjects;
      for i := 0 to l.Count - 1 do
        c := l[i];
        if (c is TfrxView) and ViewVisible(c) then
          if not IsPrinting or TfrxView(c).Printable then
            c.IsPrinting := IsPrinting;
            { needed for TOTALPAGES macro }
            if c is TfrxCustomMemoView then
              THackMemoView(c).FTotalPages := Count;
              THackMemoView(c).FCopyNo := FCopyNo;
              THackMemoView(c).FPrintScale := FPrintScale;
            { draw the object }
            TfrxView(c).Draw(Canvas, ScaleX, ScaleY, OffsetX, OffsetY);
            c.IsPrinting := False;
      Page.LeftMargin := SaveLeftMargin;
      Page.RightMargin := SaveRightMargin;
      if not IsPrinting then
        SelectClipRgn(Canvas.Handle, rgn);
  • edited 9:50PM
    Awesome! Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately I don't think this gets me much closer to solving my problem. The only TList reference I see is "c := l;" and I'm guessing our versions are off somehow. I'm suspecting that may be correct though and for some reason a TfrxComponent is expected on the page that doesn't exist.


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