Possible bug in FR4.12 print dialog? Current page won't print

Andrew BondAndrew Bond Banstead, UK
edited 9:21AM in FastReport 4.0
I am not sure if I have discovered a bug in FR 4.12 VCL, concerning printing of the current page.

In my C++ code I use the following call to display FR's Print dialog box:
where 'ReportControl' is the name of a TfrxReport component.

In the Print dialog box that appears, if I choose 'Current Page' and click OK ... nothing happens!

If, instead, I choose 'All' or 'Pages' (and then specify a range) and click OK ... I get the prinout I expect.

Has anyone else come across this behaviour? Am I missing something in my code or is it indeed a bug in FR?

Any help would be appreciated.


  • Andrew BondAndrew Bond Banstead, UK
    edited 9:21AM
    Does anyone from Fast Reports monitor these forums?
  • edited 9:21AM
    Does anyone from Fast Reports monitor these forums?
    I have the same issue with FastReport 5 VCL (bought not free) on Delphi XE8.
    If i print all pages , everything is OK, but if I try to print current page the dialog closes and nothing is printed.

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