Conditional sum
Hi all.
I need to do some conditional summing in my report footer. One sum for positive field values, and one for negative values.
I understand from some old post that this can't be done by the SUM in a memo, so instead it must be done by code in event attached to the detail band.
Is this still the same? Not possible to combine a SUM with a IIF in a memo?
I need to do some conditional summing in my report footer. One sum for positive field values, and one for negative values.
I understand from some old post that this can't be done by the SUM in a memo, so instead it must be done by code in event attached to the detail band.
Is this still the same? Not possible to combine a SUM with a IIF in a memo?
[Sum(IIF(<Qry1."Amount"> > 0,<Qry1."Amount">,0))]
and returns the sum of positive values in Amount.