Side by Side Subreports
I Have 2 SubReports side by side & I have totaled each subreport but I would like to hide the total on the subreports and use them on another band in the main report. The sub reports may return different number of entries and I want the totals to align across the bottom of both
Invoice Date Amount Receipt Date Amount
1234 1/5/2011 $ 500 R147 30/5/2011 $500
1235 7/5/2011 $ 150
1257 3/6/2011 $ 400
Total Invoiced $ 1050 Total Receipts $ 500
Invoice Date Amount Receipt Date Amount
1234 1/5/2011 $ 500 R147 30/5/2011 $500
1235 7/5/2011 $ 150
1257 3/6/2011 $ 400
Total Invoiced $ 1050 Total Receipts $ 500
add a child band below the md band, set the md bands child prop to child1, create 2 global variables write code in the obp event of the md band to set these values to 0, in the obp event of each subrep's md band write code to add the current value to the variable.
use the variables to display the totals in memos in the child band.