Multiple pages
I have a trouble with FR4 VCL..
I make two sided report (in designer).
On the first page I want to have data from the database (it works fine). On the other side I want to have a only text (without the data from the database) - such information for the customer. on the preview show up first all the first pages and then the second pages.
it must be on the other side because it will be that much and will be printed duplex.
Best regards
I have a trouble with FR4 VCL..
I make two sided report (in designer).
On the first page I want to have data from the database (it works fine). On the other side I want to have a only text (without the data from the database) - such information for the customer. on the preview show up first all the first pages and then the second pages.
it must be on the other side because it will be that much and will be printed duplex.
Best regards
this is good code:
var i, j: integer;
page : TfrxReportPage;
j := frxReport1.PreviewPages.Count div 2;
page := TfrxReportPage.Create(nil);
for i := 0 to j - 2 do
page.AssignAll(frxReport1.PreviewPages.Page[j + i]);
frxReport1.PreviewPages.AddEmptyPage(i * 2 + 1);
frxReport1.PreviewPages.ModifyPage(i * 2 + 1, page);
frxReport1.PreviewPages.DeletePage(j + i + 1);