Problem with Format function

KelloucheKellouche Algeria
edited 11:29PM in FastReport 3.0
Hi !

please any one for help me.
why does this code not work
procedure SysMemo27OnAfterData(Sender: TfrxComponent);
   res : string;
  SysMemo27.Text :=    SysMemo14.Value + SysMemo15.Value + SysMemo16.Value +
                       SysMemo18.Value + SysMemo19.Value + SysMemo20.Value +
                       SysMemo21.Value + SysMemo22.Value + SysMemo23.Value +
                       SysMemo24.Value + SysMemo25.Value + SysMemo26.Value;
    res := Format('%2.0n', [SysMemo27.Text]); // this does not work
    SysMemo27.Text := res;
    ShowMessage('Erreur de formatage');


  • edited 11:29PM
    res := Format('%2.0n', [SysMemo27.Text]); // this does not work
    What error messase do you get?

    Try to test your variable before you make formating.
       ShowMessage( SysMemo27.Text);         
       res := Format('%2.0n', SysMemo27.Text); 
    And yet - I'm not sure one should use square brackets for declared variable in FR3 (I use FR4)

  • KelloucheKellouche Algeria
    edited 11:29PM wrote: » wrote: »
    res := Format('%2.0n', [SysMemo27.Text]); // this does not work
    What error messase do you get?

    Try to test your variable before you make formating.
       ShowMessage( SysMemo27.Text);         
       res := Format('%2.0n', SysMemo27.Text); 
    And yet - I'm not sure one should use square brackets for declared variable in FR3 (I use FR4)


    I have no error message !
    the text is not formated, f.e if the value is "3841" the result after application of format function is "3841" so i think format function does not support text property (SysMemoxx.Tex)
    is there other way to do this ?!
  • edited 11:29PM
    Can you attach FR3 compiled demo (zip, exe) here?
    I use FR4 and can't test your issue in the environment you have [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":(" border="0" alt="sad.gif" /> Mick[/img]
  • KelloucheKellouche Algeria
    edited 11:29PM wrote: »
    Can you attach FR3 compiled demo (zip, exe) here?
    I use FR4 and can't test your issue in the environment you have [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":(" border="0" alt="sad.gif" /> Mick[/img]
    yes with pleasure
  • edited 11:29PM
    I needed FRDemo.exe to test formating as I didn't have any FR3 Designer [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":(" border="0" alt="sad.gif" /> But somehow I got it - FastReport C/S Demo 3.15a (2005) - and now I have it[/img][img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile.gif" /> I could not find solution to force[/img]Format() as you wished, so I searched for alternative. Have a look below, maybe you'll find it helpfull.
    procedure SysMemo27OnAfterData(Sender: TfrxComponent);
       res : string;
       sum : real;
      Sum := SysMemo14.Value + SysMemo15.Value + SysMemo16.Value +
             SysMemo18.Value + SysMemo19.Value + SysMemo20.Value +
             SysMemo21.Value + SysMemo22.Value + SysMemo23.Value +
             SysMemo24.Value + SysMemo25.Value + SysMemo26.Value;
      if (Engine.FinalPass) then
        res := FormatFloat( '### ### ### ##0.', Sum);      
        SysMemo27.Text := res;
        ShowMessage('Erreur de formatage');

    And bonus for you to let you make your code more simple:
    function MySuperDate(  TD :TDateTime): string;                                                
       ch : string;
       j, m, a : word; // pour stocker la date aprčs l'avoir d?©coder
      ch := ' Mois : ';
      // extraire le mois et le convertir en entier
      decodedate( TD, a, m, j);
      // tester sur le mois, en d?©duire le mois en lettre et lui ajouter l'ann?©e
      case m of
        1 : ch := ch + 'Janvier ' + IntToStr(a);
        2 : ch := ch + 'F?©vrier ' + IntToStr(a);
        3 : ch := ch + 'Mars ' + IntToStr(a);
        4 : ch := ch + 'Avril ' + IntToStr(a);
        5 : ch := ch + 'Mai ' + IntToStr(a);
        6 : ch := ch + 'Juin ' + IntToStr(a);
        7 : ch := ch + 'Juillet ' + IntToStr(a);
        8 : ch := ch + 'Aoűt ' + IntToStr(a);
        9 : ch := ch + 'Septembre ' + IntToStr(a);
        10 : ch := ch + 'Octobre ' + IntToStr(a);
        11 : ch := ch + 'Novembre ' + IntToStr(a);
        12 : ch := ch + 'D?©cembre ' + IntToStr(a);
        ch := 'Erreur !';
      Result := ch;
    procedure Memo79OnAfterData(Sender: TfrxComponent);
      Memo79.Text := MySuperDate( Memo128.Value);
    procedure Memo128OnAfterData(Sender: TfrxComponent);
      Memo128.Text := MySuperDate( Memo128.Value);
  • KelloucheKellouche Algeria
    edited May 2011
    thank you very much Mick.
  • edited 11:29PM
    I think there something error in your code.

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