DbCrossView change title dynamically
I need to create DbCrossView on the fly.
I can do everything except to change the titles -> I haven't found properties for that.
In design mode I noticed that it creates "DBCross1Corner1" and "DBCross1Corner3" memos, so I tried to change by code, but I couldn't find them:
Memo := frxReport.FindObject('DBCross1Corner1') as TfrxMemoView;
if Memo<>nil then
Memo.Text := 'Items';
Memo := frxReport.FindObject('DBCross1Corner3') as TfrxMemoView;
if Memo<>nil then
Memo.Text := 'Ingredients';
I also examined the report as xml in an editor -> I didn't find any clue there either.
I need to create DbCrossView on the fly.
I can do everything except to change the titles -> I haven't found properties for that.
In design mode I noticed that it creates "DBCross1Corner1" and "DBCross1Corner3" memos, so I tried to change by code, but I couldn't find them:
Memo := frxReport.FindObject('DBCross1Corner1') as TfrxMemoView;
if Memo<>nil then
Memo.Text := 'Items';
Memo := frxReport.FindObject('DBCross1Corner3') as TfrxMemoView;
if Memo<>nil then
Memo.Text := 'Ingredients';
I also examined the report as xml in an editor -> I didn't find any clue there either.
TfrxCrossView(frxReport1.FindObject('DBCross1')).CornerMemos[1].Text := 'Items';
TfrxCrossView(frxReport1.FindObject('DBCross1')).CornerMemos[3].Text := 'Ingredients';
Can you tell me what is the reason that I do not see the property DBCross1.CornerMemos in compiled FR 4 demo in Classes tab. I can locate it only in frxClass.pas. My compiled Designer doesn't have this property too. I use only FR script in my reports and what should be done to let my Designer see DBCross1.CornerMemos?
I'll get new Designer compiled with more Delphi properties.
See a report template for FRDemo in attach
Ok, this work fine with one of titles.
The second seems to be not available from within FR script