Create TMemo Dynamic

edited 9:59PM in FastReport 4.0
how do I create a new dynamic tmemo adjusted dataset


  • gpigpi
    edited 9:59PM
    See a Programmer's manual 1.12 Creating a report form from code chapter:
    DataPage: TfrxDataPage;
    Page: TfrxReportPage;
    Band: TfrxBand;
    DataBand: TfrxMasterData;
    Memo: TfrxMemoView;
    { clear a report }
    { add a dataset to the list of ones accessible for a report }
    { add the "Data" page }
    DataPage := TfrxDataPage.Create(frxReport1);
    { add a page }
    Page := TfrxReportPage.Create(frxReport1);
    { create a unique name }
    { set sizes of fields, paper and orientation by default }
    { modify paper???s orientation }
    Page.Orientation := poLandscape;
    { add a report title band}
    Band := TfrxReportTitle.Create(Page);
    { it is sufficient to set the ?«Top?» coordinate and height for a band }
    { both coordinates are in pixels }
    Band.Top := 0;
    Band.Height := 20;
    { add an object to the report title band }
    Memo := TfrxMemoView.Create(Band);
    Memo.Text := 'Hello FastReport!';
    Memo.Height := 20;
    { this object will be stretched according to band???s width }
    Memo.Align := baWidth;
    { add the masterdata band }
    DataBand := TfrxMasterData.Create(Page);
    DataBand.DataSet := frxDBDataSet1;
    { the Top coordinate should be greater than the previously added band???s top + height}
    DataBand.Top := 100;
    DataBand.Height := 20;
    { add an object on master data }
    Memo := TfrxMemoView.Create(DataBand);
    { connect to data }
    Memo.DataSet := frxDBDataSet1;
    Memo.DataField := 'CustNo';
    Memo.SetBounds(0, 0, 100, 20);
    { adjust the text to the right object???s margin }
    Memo.HAlign := haRight;
    { show the report }
  • edited 9:59PM
    thank's for your help >

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