Fix row count inside Fast Report
Hi All,
we have a problem below:
We use Fast Report to design the invoice (with pre-defined form).
we need fix the row count of goods items on each page = 7 (it means after 7 lines system should print to new page).
on the last page. it should print the rest of lines and the general information of invoice (summary) like: total money to pay, money in word, name of cashier,...all the general info should be on the fixed position (at the bottom of the last page).
what we should do for that thing? We try to call function TfrxCustomEngine.NewPage inside the event OnBeforePrint of the band, but system got errors after 6 lines printed.
we have a problem below:
We use Fast Report to design the invoice (with pre-defined form).
we need fix the row count of goods items on each page = 7 (it means after 7 lines system should print to new page).
on the last page. it should print the rest of lines and the general information of invoice (summary) like: total money to pay, money in word, name of cashier,...all the general info should be on the fixed position (at the bottom of the last page).
what we should do for that thing? We try to call function TfrxCustomEngine.NewPage inside the event OnBeforePrint of the band, but system got errors after 6 lines printed.
I use
=> PageHeaderOnBeforePrint even to set LinesOnPage to 1
=> MasterBandOnBeforePrint to increase LinesOnPage
=> PageFooterOnBeforePrint to make Memos visible or not
And finaly - like you - I use Engine.NewPage when LinesOnPage is more then 7 => this is done in MasterBandOnBeforePrint event.
Your FR script is so COMPLICATED and maybe it is the source of the error you get.