Highlighting Max/Min values in the Databand

Fast Report Gurus,

I am developing a report that has many temperature readings for a given day. Clearly, it is relatively easy to show a Max/Min value in the group footer.

How can I highlight in the DataBand the Max and Min values for a given column. The objective is off course to highlight when the Max and Min occurred.

Monte Carver


  • edited 7:40PM
    This may not be the best way, but you could find the minimum and maximum first (a simple query should suffice), then compare each value as its printed to the report - if its equal, change the highlight colour.
  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 7:40PM
    make the report 2 pass on the first pass find max min values on finalpass set the color.
    writing code in the obp event.

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