Accessing DMP Report Properties at Runtime

keturpatelketurpatel India
edited February 2011 in FastReport Studio
I am evaluating Fast Report Studio version 4.8.212, Front end Visual Basic 6, OS Windows XP sP3

I have created a project to generate report at run time based on user's selections.
It is working perfect in GDI mode. Now i want to give user option to choose from GDI or DMP report.

I have made code changes accordingly, but unfortunately, cannot find some properties. I specially want to use following properties, which are available at desgin time from FastReport Designer, but not available at runtime in vb6.

TfrxDMPPage : TopMargin, BottomMargin, LeftMargin, RightMargin, PaperHeight, PaperWidth

TfrxDMPMemoView : Memo, HAlign, StretchMode

For both of above objects, only FontStyle is available.

I can send my code if anyone want to check.

Can some one guide me where i am wrong or limitation in Fast Report itself?
Is there any workaround available for this problem?

many thanks in advance.

UPDATE AS ON 18/02/2011

I have finally found solution for above problem.
I am posting it here for everyone else. Remember that this is VB6 code

Solution 1

To access Margin and Width/Height of TfrxDMPPage, create below function
Private Sub Set_PageMargins(ByRef mPage As IfrxReportPage, mWidth As Double, mHeight As Double, _
                                           mTop As Double, mBot As Double, mLeft As Double, mRight As Double)

    mPage.PaperWidth = mWidth
    mPage.PaperHeight = mHeight
    mPage.TopMargin = mTop
    mPage.BottomMargin = mBot
    mPage.LeftMargin = mLeft
    mPage.RightMargin = mRight
End Sub

and call it like
Dim MyRep As FastReport.TfrxReport
Dim DMPRepPage1 As FastReport.IfrxDMPPage
Set DMPRepPage1 = MyRep.CreateReportObjectEx(MyRep, "TfrxDMPPage", "ReportPage")
Call Set_PageMargins(DMPRepPage1, 210, 297, 10, 10, 10, 10)

Solution 2

To access Memo and StretchMode of TfrxDMPMemoView, create below functions
Private Sub SetDMP_Text(ByRef mMemo As IfrxCustomMemoView, mText As String)
     mMemo.Text = mText
End Sub

Private Sub SetDMP_Streach(ByRef mMemo As IfrxStretcheable, mStreach As frxStretchMode)
    mMemo.StretchMode = sm_MaxHeight
End Sub

and call it like
Dim MyRep As FastReport.TfrxReport
Dim MyDMPMemoView As IfrxDMPMemoView
Set MyDMPMemoView = MyRep.CreateReportObjectEx(MyBandHeader, "TfrxDMPMemoView", "Head1")

Call SetDMP_Text(MyDMPMemoView, "Ketur Patel")
Call SetDMP_Streach(MyDMPMemoView, sm_ActualHeight)

Still cannot find solution to set HAlign, VAlign and DisplayFormat of IfrxDMPMemoView from vb6 code.
If anyone can help for that, thanks in advance from me.


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