Extract word from string

edited 4:43PM in FastReport 4.0
Hello, I have a table in my dataBase which contains 10 fields including name, surname and nickname. I use a dialog box in my report which items comprises by (name + ' '+ surname + ' '+ nickname) asString. I want when a record checked to extract its name and surname in order to specify the record id from my table. Any Suggestions? Thanks.


  • edited 4:43PM
    If you use TfrxCheckListBoxControl in your dialog then:

    1. Create an array having the same count of items as the CheckListBox and which is sorted in the same way as items in the CheckListBox.

    2. Put an ID of each record from your database in this array.

    3. Finally when user finish the dialog you'll be able to verify which items [0..ItemsCount-1] of CheckListBox are check and inspecting the same item (by its numer) of the array you will get ID of your record without any need to analize the string.

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