How to remove the blank space between two bands

I guess its an easy question, but I'm not able to solve this problem.
I have a report here which contains several data (Either 6 or 7 rows of data). The sample report to reproduce the problem is attached.
If you open this report without any data (like from the designer) there is a big white band between the summary and the report footer.
If I have 6 rows of data the band is almost invisible (about 1mm).
If I have 7 rows of data the report engine makes an extra side break and print the summary on a second page. I guess it is a simple property to set but I can't fix the problem
Can anyone help me ?


  • pinbotpinbot Texas
    edited 10:18AM

    What is it you are trying to accomplish?

    Remove the blank space if there is no data?

    Make the summary always appear even if there is 7 rows of data?

    Is it ALWAYS 6 or 7 rows of data?

    You could always make the Summary section smaller so that it does not move to the next page.

    If you want this new section at the bottom of the page regardless of how many rows of data you can do this trick in the ReportSummary OBP:

    private void GroupFooter1_BeforePrint(object sender, EventArgs e)
    { while (Engine.CurY<495)
    { FillerBand.Visible=true;


    What that does is output some blank lines BEFORE the band so you can move your summary toward the bottom of the page.

  • edited 10:18AM
    Yes, I want to have the summary on the bottom of the page. regardless of how many data I print.
    But I'm sorry, I tried your trick, but it doesn't work. I used my attached report without any data. I want the summary at the bottom of the report. What kind of band must be the fillband ? I tried a footer, but it won't work. Can you help me ?
  • edited 10:18AM
    My allocation is getting used up and it makes sense to remove some of those that have had their time.
    I know how to Upload them DOh but where do I find the cache of them to remove them?
  • edited 10:18AM
    Sorry, I don't understand what you mean
  • edited 10:18AM
    I try a push.
    Anyone an idead ? pinbot?

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