Fastreport Unicode support
I am using oracle database. (NLS_CHARACTERSET is AL32UTF8)
Data contains some unicode characters like '?§', 'É™', 'ı' etc.
But fastreport does not show those characters in a right format, it displays strange characters instead of them.
Please help me. Thanks in advance.
Best Regards,
I am using oracle database. (NLS_CHARACTERSET is AL32UTF8)
Data contains some unicode characters like '?§', 'É™', 'ı' etc.
But fastreport does not show those characters in a right format, it displays strange characters instead of them.
Please help me. Thanks in advance.
Best Regards,
However, I have a fully Unicode app, written in delphi 2010, everything is fine (displaying Russian and Thai charcters), but nobody in our company knows how to get the unicode characters out of Oracle, even to display a simple field in a simple form.
So I recommend that first you type manually your characters into the contents of a frxMemo object, and see how that is displayed in the report.
If you that is fine, than your problem might be getting the data from Oracle. If you know how to do that, please let me know!
By the way I am using FastReport.NET 4 and developing in visual studio 2008.
As connection type I chose "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle". Instead of that I use "Oracle Provider for OLE DB" (Provided by Oracle)