Storing reports in database and using the designer

I want to store my reports right in my DB and have the users be able to edit them via the designer.
I see the load and save to stream,dataset etc and that looks great, but the issue is the designer it self.
when I load the form from a blob field and load it in the designer I want the new edited version saveed to a stream or whatever, but the designer want's to save to a file everytime the user closes it.

Is there something I am missing?




  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 12:15PM
    You have to modify the actions of the designers onsave event
    see the faq.txt file
    you will also have to add your own dialog to decide if you want to store as a new record or overwrite existing
    table for storing must have layout of idno,blobfield plus any other fields you want.
    regards ;)

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