calculated text areas

Sometimes we sell our products in other currencies so we register price of the respective product in the table from the currency selected. But the invoice should be emitted in the local currency. So i need to multiply registered sales price with the exchange rate of the respective currency if the product's sales price is registered with another currency so it should be like the following :
if table.currency = 'EURO' then
inv_price := table.price*table.exch_rate
inv_price := table.price

how may i do such thing in fast report?


  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 1:49PM
    you can change the memo's text from the obp event of its band or use the iif function inside the memo. do not connect the memo to a dataset field.
    from the band obp
    if table.currency = 'EURO' then
    memoname.text :='[(<table."price">*<table."exch_rate">)]'
    memoname.text '[ table."price"]'

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