Help, About FR4 Muti Pages Report....

Dear gulus;

I hope you can give some idea on how can I do multi-page report in
FR3 or FR4...

My Report consists of 2 Pages(each page is different format).
I want to print the repport in this squence(Page1, Page2, Page1, Page2...)
and Page1 maybe have more than 1
then will be show as : Page1-1, Page1-2, Page1-3, Page2, Page1-1, Page2, Page1-1, Page1-2, Page2

can FR3 or PR4 handle such requirement ? if yes, how can I do it?


  • gpigpi
    edited 1:29PM
    You can resort preview pages after preparing of report:
    var i, j: integer;
        page : TfrxReportPage;
         j := frxReport1.PreviewPages.Count div 2;
         page := TfrxReportPage.Create(nil);
         for i := 0 to j - 2 do
             page.AssignAll(frxReport1.PreviewPages.Page[j + i]);
             frxReport1.PreviewPages.AddEmptyPage(i * 2 + 1);
             frxReport1.PreviewPages.ModifyPage(i * 2 + 1, page);
             frxReport1.PreviewPages.DeletePage(j + i + 1);
    If Page2 contain a static info you may place all objects from Page2 on child band and use Engine.ShowBand(Child1) before printing of each even page

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