Problem with TfrxRichView from Database Blob Field
I have a Problem with an Report and i hope someone can help me.
I have a Firebird Database 1.5 with an Blob Field which has stored an RTF Text like.
With this Text the Richview Field in the Report is Empty and shows no Text.
I tested with the FR Version 4.10.7
A older Version FR 4.6.88 shows the Text correctly.
I have shorted the Text to
And this Text was also Shows correctly.
Is this a Problem with my saved RTF Format (length ???) or is this a Problem with the newer Version of FastReport 4 ?
Many Thanks for the Help.
I have a Problem with an Report and i hope someone can help me.
I have a Firebird Database 1.5 with an Blob Field which has stored an RTF Text like.
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1031{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fprq2\fcharset0 Agfa Rotis Sans Serif;}}\cf1\f0\fs16\nosupersub{\highlight2{R FUN Indi 60 nano SET,  ??65 sph -2,25 cyl +2,00 88?° \par {\rtf1\ansi {\fonttbl {\f1\fcharset29\fnil\fprq1 Symbol;}}\cf1\f1\fs16\nosupersub{\highlight2D}}{\sub\insrsid399356\charrsid399356 1} 3,50 B{\rtf1\ansi {\fonttbl {\f1\fcharset29\fnil\fprq1 Symbol;}}\cf1\f1\fs16\nosupersub{\highlight2}}{\sub\insrsid399356\charrsid399356 1} 180?° add 1,00 \par K: H\par }}
With this Text the Richview Field in the Report is Empty and shows no Text.
I tested with the FR Version 4.10.7
A older Version FR 4.6.88 shows the Text correctly.
I have shorted the Text to
{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1031{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fprq2\fcharset0 Agfa Rotis Sans Serif;}}\cf1\f0\fs16\nosupersub{\highlight2{R FUN Indi 60 nano SET, HART ??65 sph -2,25 cyl +2,00 88?° \par 3,50 B{\sub\insrsid399356\charrsid399356 1} 180?° add 1,00 \par K: H\par }}
And this Text was also Shows correctly.
Is this a Problem with my saved RTF Format (length ???) or is this a Problem with the newer Version of FastReport 4 ?
Many Thanks for the Help.