
Please help-me to make reports with native IBObjects ?
Is there a component that I must install ?
Help please..urgent.
I use FR 2.52 and I'm registered user.
My name is Ramzi Youssef.
Thank you.


  • edited 4:04AM
    Hi Ramzi,
    You dont need extras components,
    only check file FR.INC (uncoment Define IBO, IBO4)
    before instalation Fast Report
    Bye jan
  • edited 4:04AM
    Where you able to to get it to work? If yes, how? Because, I wasn't(read my message dated May 20th, 2004).
  • edited 4:04AM
    I mean Native IBO. Don't works.
    IB_Datasources, IB_Querys... in iboaccess panel
    and not IBOTable and IBOQuery ... in iboTDataset that works fine.
  • edited 4:04AM
    I've got FR2.53 working with BCBv5 and IBObjects v4.3Aa.

    Here's what I did.

    Edit fr.inc to include IBO
    Before compiling, I added


    to fr.cpp, and also included the IBO paths so that FR could see the headers etc.

    Also, I found that I needed to manually change a .hpp file (specific to BCB) because it was using db::TDataset and db::TDataSource instead of the IBO versions.


  • fields24fields24 Tennessee
    edited 4:04AM
    Off hand do you know how we can get Delphi
    running with IBObjects native mode?
    The only reason I purchased Fast Report was
    because it worked with IBObjects native, and
    now they have broken it. But then I never could
    get it to work easily with IBObjects after FR went
    to 2.5x

    Steve Fields
  • edited 4:04AM
    >> Off hand do you know how we can get Delphi

    Not really, I'm a BCB bod. I would have thought you just need to edit the fr.inc file and may be let FR know the path to the IBO files.

    What problem are you having?
  • fields24fields24 Tennessee
    edited 4:04AM

    Once I modify the fr.inc file it will not compile
    again with the given "includes". It does not like
    the IBO files, because they do not include the
    _D7 (or _D5 in the IBO file names . After that it does
    not compile because of extraneous endif compiler
    commands that are left behind.
    After that it wants the rx files and the qw files
    and it wants the Teechart files for different
    versions: all of this because of uncommenting
    the two lines that specify IBO. It then goes on
    to specify 30+ errors due to TDataset mixed
    defines. (ADO, IBX, Etc.)
    After that I get errors that I get errors on the
    below lines...

    TfrDatabase =
    {$IFDEF IBX}class(TIBDatabase){$ENDIF}
    {$IFDEF ADO}class(TADOConnection){$ENDIF}
    {$IFDEF BDE}class(TDatabase){$ENDIF}
    function GetDatabase: String;
    procedure SetDatabase(Value: String);
    function GetDriver: String;
    procedure SetDriver(Value: String);

    Notice that IBO is not included in the ifdef

    Steve Fields

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