How do i have a nested group

Hi. I wanna create a report with 3 group field. I do create a report with 3 group header band ,1 master band,3 group footer.
but i wanna for every group have a total sum of quantity.
For example sometimes grouping by commodity code,or by unit code of commodity,or by warehouse code of commodity.
how can i have a 3 group field in on group header?
or how can i have a total sum for this report?



  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 2:53PM
    see the main demo basic reports nested groups report for how to nest.
    the key is that the orderby clause of the query corresponds to the grouping conditions of the
    group headers.
    See the dialogs and script Totals in group header report for how to put values in header.
    report must be 2 pass values are gathered in the first pass and substituted in the final pass.
    Read the user manual thoroughly on grouping.
  • edited 2:53PM
    gordk wrote: »
    see the main demo basic reports nested groups report for how to nest.
    the key is that the orderby clause of the query corresponds to the grouping conditions of the
    group headers.
    See the dialogs and script Totals in group header report for how to put values in header.
    report must be 2 pass values are gathered in the first pass and substituted in the final pass.
    Read the user manual thoroughly on grouping.

    Thanks for your Reply.

    This is my query.
    SELECT pk.Cod_k,Dat,Sum(gty) SumTedad,Kala,Vahed,pk.Rdfanbar,(Sum(gty)*pa.Prc_s) AS Total,Pa.prc_S
    FROM p_kdex  Pk
    INNER JOIN p_anbar Pa
        ON pa.Cod_k=pk.Cod_k AND pa.Cod_v=pk.Cod_v AND pa.rdfAnbar=pk.rdfAnbar
    WHERE typ=1
    GROUP BY pk.Cod_k,Dat,Kala,Vahed,pk.Rdfanbar,Pa.prc_S
    Order By kala,vahed,pk.rdfanbar,Dat
    My Group header fields are kala,vahed,pk.rdfanbar and i create for each field on group header and on group footer.
    My pk fields are kala,vahed,rdfanbar and when i have a unique field that compound of this fields is unique.
    for example :

    kala vahed rdfanbar

    10 KM 1
    10 CM 1
    10 Km 2
    11 Cm 1

    how do create report that get the quantity of each record.?

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