fsScript1.GetILCode (EAbstract Error)

I am trying to develop a utility that will allow my to compile my scripts for distribution with my application. I want them to be pre-compiled, keeping my code safe and allowing for quicker execution.

The code I have in the btnSaveCompiled Button on my form is.
  sIL: TStream;
  sFile: TFileStream;
  objWriter : TWriter;
  fsScript1.Lines := Memo1.Lines;
  fsScript1.Parent := fsGlobalUnit;

  sIL := TStream.Create();

  sFile := TFileStream.Create(ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName)
                              + txtCompiledFileName.Text,
                              fmCreate or fmOpenWrite or fmShareDenyNone);
  sFile.CopyFrom(sIL, sIL.Size);

The above code gets an error during execution on the fsScript1.GetILCode(sIL); line
I have tried to debug it but since I am currently running the Demo version it is requesting an fs_xml.pas file which I do not have. I would like to be able to test this script engine for my project.

Any suggestions?

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