fast report v4 and cx grid (Devexpress)

edited 9:32AM in FastReport 4.0
I have 3 questions:
1. i use the Fastreport Components V4 and the cxGrid V3 from DevExpress.
Now i will link the Data from the cxGrid to FastReport. How can i do
this? I will use the filtered Data/the Data that are viewed in the
cxGrid in the Report and i will use the Fieldnames from the cxGrid as
Datasource at the Fastreport.
2. if I want to make a statement all on the scale as ms.excel no option "Adjust to"
example: I fill adjusted to 60% so all the writing on the reduce by 60% as in me ...
3. whether we can create their own setup to limit the margin so the top, bottom, left and right for fast report
of Delphi 7
thank you for your help

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