FastReport VCL v.5 will released at the begin of 2011!

edited 10:45AM in News
FastReport VCL v.5 will released at the begin of 2011!

We solved to transfer release of FastReport VCL v.5 to begin of 2011.

Working on FastReport VCL v.5 and FastCube VCL v.2 entained serious architectural changes in both products. Whereby the alpha version of FastReport VCL v.5 sent back for revision.

We apologize for the postponement of the release. "Grace Period" is stored (for purchased FastReport VCL 4 .* after June 1 - upgrade to the same edition of FastReport VCL v.5 will be free).

Michael Philippenko (CEO)
Alexander Tzyganenko (CTO)

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