
How to create Memo object from code on existing report ?

Page orientation works grat, but how to create new object memo ?

I tried this code below but not working [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":(" border="0" alt="sad.gif" /> var Page : TfrxReportPage; Memo: TfrxMemoView; begin Page := TfrxReportPage(report.Pages[1]); Page.Orientation := poLandscape; Memo := TfrxMemoView(Page); Memo.Create(nil); Memo.Text := 'test'; end;[/img]


  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 3:00PM
    where are you trying to do this from Delphi or within the report code?

  • edited 3:00PM
    I'm trying to do this from code. I've on form three components : TfrxReport, TfrxDBDataset and button. Do I've to create from the beginning of the whole report from the code if I want to create memo from code ?
  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 3:00PM
    if you are trying to create a new report yes.
    if you are trying to work with a report stored in dfm or stored in a file
    you must use the findobject method to get the design page first, then create the memo in the context of the page.
    Also, if you are working with a report stored in a file you must loadfromfile first.
  • edited 3:00PM
    Thanks for advice >

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