ExportToXLS - excel cells format

I want to export data from FastReport to XLS format using
ExportToXLS (string FileName, bool Pictures, bool PageBreaks, bool WYSIWYG, bool AsText, bool Background, bool EmptyLines);
method. Everything's fine except the cells which contain numbers.
I have the warning : Numbers are stored as text . So there is impossible to make charts from this kind of report.

Before export I was trying to change DisplayFormat of TfrxMemoViews which contains those numbers - it didn't help.
If I have text format I get '123 in cell , if I have number format I get just a number but the cell has wrong style.
I'm using sth like that to fill TfrxMemoView:
[<Data."Number"> #n%2,2n]

Does this method provide for exporting cell styles ?

Thx for any help, Julia


  • edited 2:43PM
    Did you try %2.2n ?
  • edited 2:43PM
    Draeden wrote: »
    Did you try %2.2n ?

    Yes, I have : Kind property : fkNumeric, FormatStr: %2.2n
    doesn't work. >
  • edited 2:43PM
    I have alwys found the FR xls report unsatisfactory, partly because it exports page headers and footers for every page, can leave a lot of very narrow rows and colums, etc.

    I use the export suite from scalabium.com
    Very little work is required to make the program export instead of printing.
    It costs a little money but is well worth it as it can produce a clean export with user selectable columns, etc. as part of an export wizard. This is important because a report designed for paper may not be able to show all the columns one would want because of page width restrictions. Many of my queries extract much more information than is shown on my standard report.

    If you have to, or want to, export from the FR report, then the gnostice export engine/components may be superior to FR's. I used to use the Pragnaan components years ago. Gnostice is a split of the old Pragnaan component suite.

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