Problem with Displaying Report

I am using Visual Studio 2010 EXPRESS EDITION.

I downloaded and installed FastReport

But i am having problem with the code.

i added report from toolbox and designed the report

then i added previewcontrol from the toolbox

can u help with the code on how to add the designed report to the printcontrol?

i tried the following code:

report1.load(" File Path ")

previewcontrol1.document = report1.document

the second line is showing error.


  • edited 11:19AM
    i tried the following code:

    report1.load(" File Path ")

    previewcontrol1.document = report1.document

    the second line is showing error.
    It's not surprising.
    Report and PreviewControl does not have the document property.
    Use this code:
    report1.Load(" File Path ");
    previewControl1.AddTab(report1, "Tab1");

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