RaveReport -> FastReport



  • edited 12:13AM
    In our attached. Rave architect file version 8.0

    We want to change and if the reports fast enable the conversion of our report. Report it to buy!

  • edited December 2010
    I examined your reports. The attached version of Rave Import can convert your rav files. These reports contain very long SQL requests and with "ability" of some Rave versions corrupt memory this gives unexpected results. Currently I'm looking for a stable Rave version that'll be able to read rav files without memory corruption.

    The attached version is not an update to the previous version (in post #31). It simply avoids a Rave's bug to be able to export the two specific rav files.
  • edited December 2010
    The files were successfully converted, but the Query No? We must then manually enter the query and associate to each field of the press?
  • edited 12:13AM
    All SQL queries were skipped, because they corrupted Rave. When I find a stable version of Rave, the import will be able to convert your queries also.
  • edited 12:13AM
    I prepared a program that opens the editor Rave 8, and appended to the database "DbGat2011.mdb" used by the printing rave stampa.rav "and" documenti2.rav ", all queries in the file have been made with Ms. Rave -Access to the database itself (that is, doing a copy and paste the SQL you can view the query in Access). In addition, Rave is passed a single parameter "wheresql"which allows you to filter the records, in fact, all the query is pasted at the end of the parameter: wheresql where the entire string is passed WHERE (who benefit as WHERE ID = 100 OR = RAGIONE_SOCIALE "FOO") the same thing as we get it in Fast Report?


    (translated with google)
  • edited 12:13AM
    I attach the working version of the editor compiled by us.

    Let us know if you can convert your query or ifwe to choose different paths .

  • edited 12:13AM
    No response on this? I have to make a decision on the purchase and I would, thank you.
  • edited 12:13AM
    Thank you for the Rave editor. But at the moment the key problem with the Rave import is different: I need a stable version of Rave (a set of .dcu files) that doesn't corrupt memory. The version of Rave that I have corrupts memory and that's why the current version of the Rave import cannot convert SQL queries from your report.

    I wrote about this misbehaving of Rave to Thomas PFister. Further development of the import mostly depends on his answer.
  • edited 12:13AM
    Can I send you the DCU? I think you can distribute ..
  • edited 12:13AM
    This will be very helpful. Send to anton[at]fast-report[dot]com
  • edited 12:13AM
    Has been for several days that I have sent the DCU, is there any hope of converting the query? Or should we resign ourselves to hand-loading?
  • skydvrzskydvrz Olympia, WA USA
    edited 12:13AM
    Is the importer compatible with the FastReports version bundled with XE2? I have some enormous RAV files with 30+ reports in each one. When I converted one of them with the importer, all the FR3 files failed to open in the importer's designer, throwing an "Invalid format" error.

    Is there an updated version of the Importer or is this an issue with my RAV files? My current collection of RAV files were created using RAV 8.0 and 9.0.

    time passes..

    I opened the fr3 files in the XE2 bundled designer instead of the one in the Importer and was successful in opening them. There are lots of things missing in the converted files though. I use lots of RAVE mirrored sections and they all seem to be missing. That is going to be a lot of work to put them all back in FR [img]style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/blink.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":blink:" border="0" alt="blink.gif" /> The FR folks might want to update the importer to play nice with the FR v4.11.17 designer. Best regards, Kevin G. McCoy[/img]
  • edited 12:13AM
    I am using a fresh installed Version of Delphi XE2 on a W7_64 OS, trying to convert rave-files to fastreport. Just by including ConverterRR2FR I get an error, saying the system can not find the units
    // frxADOComponents,
    // frxBDEComponents,
    // frxDBXComponents,
    // frxIBXComponents,

    What can I do?
  • edited 12:13AM
    I encountered the same issue. Any suggestions?

    Josch wrote: »
    I am using a fresh installed Version of Delphi XE2 on a W7_64 OS, trying to convert rave-files to fastreport. Just by including ConverterRR2FR I get an error, saying the system can not find the units
    // frxADOComponents,
    // frxBDEComponents,
    // frxDBXComponents,
    // frxIBXComponents,

    What can I do?
  • gpigpi
    edited 12:13AM
    FR Embarcadero Edition dosn't support internal datasets. So, easy way - install FR Trial and convert Rave reports. Other way - comment all references to internal datasets classes in ConverterRR2FR.pas
  • edited 12:13AM
    > Available in Embarcadero RAD Studio XE2 and FastReport VCL 4.12

    I am also using a fresh installed Version of Delphi XE2 on a W7_64 OS, trying to convert rave-files to fastreport with Trial Version of FastReprt VCL 4.12.13.
    I start the Report Designer, click on File -> Open, select a RAV-File and following message box appears: Invalid file format

    Is this the correct way to convert? What should I do?

    Thank You.
  • edited 12:13AM

    I downloaded the convert application from this chain and it was quite impressive. The layout and sub-sections and others were perfectly converted.

    However, the data connections were not. I also tried to install the FR trial, version 4.12.15, but there when I select open, there is only fr3 files to be opened. On the downloadable demo app, the version of designer says 4.10 and it opens .rav and .fr3. I am a bit confused why the newer version does not support the conversion?

    I'd like to install only the trial version into my delphi 2005 where i could convert all reports and then convert the whole project(s) into Delphi XE3.

    Kind regards,
  • edited 12:13AM
    We have 20 rave reports created with Rave BE 5.0.8 (Delphi 7).
    Just played around with FastReport 4.13.3 Trial and did my first reports from scratch.

    Where to find conversion option?

    Thank you for answering newbie questions.
  • edited 12:13AM
    rakekniven wrote: »
    We have 20 rave reports created with Rave BE 5.0.8 (Delphi 7).
    Just played around with FastReport 4.13.3 Trial and did my first reports from scratch.

    Where to find conversion option?

    Thank you for answering newbie questions.

    It is also apparently impossible to open a .rav file in the Embarcadero version of FR4. The filter is set to .fr3. What is says here: http://www.fast-report.com/en/blog/26/show/ is incorrect.
  • gpigpi
    edited 12:13AM
    See modified converter for FR Embarcadero Edition in attach

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