What about PDF IMPORT?

edited 6:51AM in FastReport 3.0
I often have to print pre-build modules from taxes of other "official" things that are provided in PDF.
Now I have to print the (empty fields) PDF and then re-insert the printed paper and print the FR report to fill the holes, but it's a really unconvenient and poor way of doing things.
In addition, paper error in feeding multyply their effect (if the PDF was printed a 2mm too on the left, and that page of the report with the values 2mm too to the right, I get a 4mm error in alignment...).
I would like the possibility to "import" the PDF as background image, and position/print the fields upon it.
Is it planned for 3.0?
thansk a lot


  • edited 6:51AM
    You can convert PDF to image (bmp, jpg) and use as a page backgound. FR3 does this.
  • Bert BinnenmarschBert Binnenmarsch Terneuzen
    edited 6:51AM
    FR3 does this.

    I see no use for referring to a product that is not available.
    So it is available now?
  • edited 6:51AM
    AlexTZ wrote:
    You can convert PDF to image (bmp, jpg) and use as a page backgound. FR3 does this.
    The problem is that with raster images, if you want a A4 paper at 300dpi resolution, you have a HUGE bitmap created and transmitted to the printer. I've tried this aproach with FR2, and also managing the bitmap at design time was a pain. Printing 100 sheets of that amount of data will kill your printing system, and take forever.
    Jpg is a small FILE, but becomes huge in memory where it's "exploded" to be used.
    PDF is becoming the "de facto" standard for documents that must be printed correctly, don't need proprietary software to be read, and consume few resources as file and in memory, expecially if sent to laser printers (PCL, PostScript).
  • edited 6:51AM
    FR3 can't handle PDF "images" (the only way to use PDF is TfrxOLEView object).
  • edited 6:51AM
    Could you please consider it as a "very desiderable" addition? Maybe a further selling point against other report products.
    Marco Menardi

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