The 'Microsoft..Jet.OLEDB.4.0 provider is not registered on the local machine machine.

I use a Win7(x64) computer and Visual Basic 2010 Express which uses OLEDB4 (very successfully) to connect to an MS Access database. So, I assume OLEDB is registered on my machine.

I am looking for a printing facilty and happened upon the trial version of FastReport,Net V1.5.2.

When I tried the demo to try a set up a test report, I got the following error message "The 'Microsoft..Jet.OLEDB.4.0 provider is not registered on the local machine machine." and could not seem to progress further. I tried both he MS Access option and th OLEDB option (using the connection string generated in Visual Basic).

I opened Visual Basic and added the Designer Control to the toolbox. I setup a new project and added a desiger control t a form and ran it. Nothing was available in the control.

What am I doing wrong?
Colin Reid


  • edited 12:42PM
    Jet.OLEDB.4.0 does not exist for x64! it only exists a 32bit-version. Try compiling your program in x86-mode:

    Extras -> Optionen -> Projekte und Projektmappen -> Allgemein: [X] Erweiterte Buildkonfigurationen anzeigen -> OK
    Erstellen -> Konfigurations-Manager -> Spalte "Plattform" -> "<Neu...>" -> Neue Plattform: x86

    worked for me!

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