Millimeter to pixels doesn't work for me


I would like to print on different sized envelopes on the fly.
The user would set everything in the database as :
- envelope width and height
- sender name, sender name left, top coordinates
- sender address, sender address left, top coordinates
- and so on with every printed field

My problem is that the user will set the values in mm (millimeters) and I need to make the memo components on the fly transforming the values.
I tried this but it doesn't work correctly:

Function FR_MM_to_Pixel(mm:integer):extended;
const fr1mm=0.77953;
result:= mm*fr1mm;

Memo := TfrxMemoView.Create(Page);
Memo.Text := InputRecord.UserText;

In the example above the InputRecord.UserLeft=20mm and InputRecord.UserTop=50 so it should be 2 cm from the left and 5cm from the top but it is much less.

Can you help me in this?

Thank you very much in advance


  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 4:33AM
    use frs own conversion constants.
    Memo.SetBounds(0, 0, 100, 20);// these values are in pixels.

    Objects??? coordinates and sizes are set in pixels.
    Since the ?«Left,?» ?«Top,?» ?«Width,?» and ?«Height?» properties of all objects
    have the ?«Extended?» type, you can point out non-integer values.
    The following constants are defined for converting pixels into centimeters and inches:

    fr01cm = 3.77953;
    fr1cm = 37.7953;
    fr01in = 9.6;
    fr1in = 96;

    For example, a band???s height equal to 5 mm can be set as follows:

    Band.Height := fr01cm * 5;
    Band.Height := fr1cm * 0.5;
    the usual mistake that is made is when you store the value initially
    unless you have converted prior to storing it is just a numeric value and has no relation to mm,
    cm, inches. pxls.
  • edited 4:33AM
    Thank you very much!

    You helped me a lot!
  • edited 4:33AM
    Objects??? coordinates and sizes are set in pixels.
    Since the ?«Left,?» ?«Top,?» ?«Width,?» and ?«Height?» properties of all objects
    have the ?«Extended?» type, you can point out non-integer values. ????

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