help fastreport 4.0

edited 6:46AM in FastReport 4.0
how to read a path (*.ini) with Delphi to report using fastreport. so make the page setup settings such as page setup in Ms.Word.
why do I print my barcode is divided into 3 columns, then the results are displayed when I print a line 3 and the next can take that line what's the solution


  • gpigpi
    edited 6:46AM
    how to read a path (*.ini) with Delphi to report using fastreport
    You may use TIniFile in report's script
    so make the page setup settings such as page setup in Ms.Word.
    This is impossible. FR have own page settings dialog window
    why do I print my barcode is divided into 3 columns, then the results are displayed when I print a line 3 and the next can take that line what's the solution
    Please, attach your report template (fr3)
  • edited 6:46AM
    thank for your help, but i dont your opinition "use TIniFile in report's script",
    example please...

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