Dynamical creation - positioning problem
The following works but..
FrRep := TFrxReport.Create(nil);
Page := TfrxReportPage.Create(FrRep);
Memo := TfrxMemoView.Create(Page);
Memo.Text := 'Test';
Memo.Height := 20;
Memo.Align := baWidth;
If I set the Memo.Align to anything else e.g. baLeft or baNone the text will dissapear.
The same is true if I don't set the Memo.Height to 20. Even at height of 18 will dissapear.
This is strange because if I use the Visual Designer a new memo is set to baNone and the height is 0,50. The same values won't work when doing it on the fly. Why?
Thank you in advance
The following works but..
FrRep := TFrxReport.Create(nil);
Page := TfrxReportPage.Create(FrRep);
Memo := TfrxMemoView.Create(Page);
Memo.Text := 'Test';
Memo.Height := 20;
Memo.Align := baWidth;
If I set the Memo.Align to anything else e.g. baLeft or baNone the text will dissapear.
The same is true if I don't set the Memo.Height to 20. Even at height of 18 will dissapear.
This is strange because if I use the Visual Designer a new memo is set to baNone and the height is 0,50. The same values won't work when doing it on the fly. Why?
Thank you in advance
Use Memo.SetBounds instead of Memo.Height
Thank you very much, it works.