Using '[' and ']' not as variable identifier
I'm using report variables in my report. The report variable is used in a memoview, the memoview containes beside the variable name [TempKoeff] the unit description [10e-6 /?°C]. When I'm running the report FastReport creates an error "Error in expression '10e-6 / ?°C': ';' expected".
When I'm running the report without the unit description everything is ok. How can I use '' chars preventing FR from interpreting it as variable identifiers?
Thanks in advance
I'm using report variables in my report. The report variable is used in a memoview, the memoview containes beside the variable name [TempKoeff] the unit description [10e-6 /?°C]. When I'm running the report FastReport creates an error "Error in expression '10e-6 / ?°C': ';' expected".
When I'm running the report without the unit description everything is ok. How can I use '' chars preventing FR from interpreting it as variable identifiers?
Thanks in advance
I've just found a solution
first I've tried to set the the unit string in quotes, but the error still occures ( [TempCoeffVal] ?±[TempCoeffTol] '[1e-6 / ?°C]' )
then I've put a dummy function around the unit string and the report was ok ( [TempCoeffVal] ?±[TempCoeffTol] [Trim('[1e-6 / ?°C]')] )