Can 2 FR versions coexist?

johnnixjohnnix Serrai, Greece
edited 7:34AM in FastReport 4.0

I have TurboDelphi Pro and DelphiXE PRo installed on my PC and I wish to know if I can install the latezt build of FR to use it with my DelphiXE. I already use FR under my TurboDelphi and I am worried that installing it again may cause problems e.g under TurboDelphi I use TeeChart 8.06 and under DelphiXE I use TeeChart 2010.

Thank you all for your time



  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 7:34AM
    AFAIK yes
    i have it installed in bds2006 delphi
    delphi 2010, delphi xe
  • johnnixjohnnix Serrai, Greece
    edited 7:34AM
    gordk wrote: »
    AFAIK yes
    i have it installed in bds2006 delphi
    delphi 2010, delphi xe


    I am concerned about the bpl files going into my System32, these files will belong to the version I install last so I am afraid there will be a conflict. Am I right on this?

  • gordkgordk St.Catherines On. Canada.
    edited 7:34AM
    your bpls are numbered according to delphi versions.
    assuming you used default paths to install
    use fr's uninstaller to remove oldest version, delete the c:\Progtam Files\Fastreports\Fastreport 4 folder and all its contents.
    use the new downloaded installer to install the new version, then run the fr recompiler
    select the compiler to use and compile all this will create the lib folder for the selected version.
    then run the recompiler and select the path to the tchart files and change tchart versions and compile.

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