calulate where? price tva
Hello everybody i come from rave report and try FastReport.
i have a query with total price and price without taxe et i want total taxe, how calculate that, i don't find what write in my memoview
there is my two values
i have tried ([Query."INVOICE_PRICE_TOTAL"]-[Query."INVOICE_PRICE_HT"]) and lot others without success.
i'tried with code too:
and in a memoview in report [TVA] say don't finded.
thanks for your help.
i have a query with total price and price without taxe et i want total taxe, how calculate that, i don't find what write in my memoview
there is my two values
i have tried ([Query."INVOICE_PRICE_TOTAL"]-[Query."INVOICE_PRICE_HT"]) and lot others without success.
i'tried with code too:
frxReport.Variables[' ' + 'Others'] := Null;
TVA:=Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Currency(FieldValues['INVOICE_PRICE_TOTAL']) - Currency(FieldValues['INVOICE_PRICE_HT']);
        frxReport.Variables['TVA']:=        TVA;
and in a memoview in report [TVA] say don't finded.
thanks for your help.
brackets in wrong place
use the expression builder when building expressions it will get them right for you.