CRLF in DetailData.OnAfterPrint event handler
Calgary AB, Canada
I need to have the option of adding an extra linefeed based on a conditional analysis. This must be done in the DetailData band and would be over and above the linefeed already issued. I was hoping the Engine object would have this functionality much the same as the New Page function. I am assuming this would be done in the DetailData.OnAfterPrint event handler. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
I need to have the option of adding an extra linefeed based on a conditional analysis. This must be done in the DetailData band and would be over and above the linefeed already issued. I was hoping the Engine object would have this functionality much the same as the New Page function. I am assuming this would be done in the DetailData.OnAfterPrint event handler. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
if <PList."BlankLine"> = True then Engine.CurY := Engine.CurY +15;
I just need to work on automating the incremental value by determining the font height.
I also have a boolean data field that I use to determine whether a new page is required after this row of data is printed.
if <PList."NewPage"> = True then Engine.NewPage();
Hope this is helpful to someone.