font in .pdf created with FR not found
One of the users of our application sends .pdf document created with FastReport to his customer. It contains text that has font called: 'Franklin Gothic Demi'. This customer gets the message: 'Cannot find or create the font 'Franklin Gothic Demi'. Some characters may not display or print correctly.' After showing with Adobe version 9 the customer only sees dots for the text with font Franklin. When I open it on my machine I don't get this message and the text is shown. I checked the cusomter of our user and they have the font installed.
Now our customer is quite attached to this font (its used for invoices).
I've done some investigation on Internet and somewhere I found a message: 'You might look into the s/w with which you have created the .pdf file'. That's why I want to inquire if someone is familiair with this problem and what we can do to solve this.
Now our customer is quite attached to this font (its used for invoices).
I've done some investigation on Internet and somewhere I found a message: 'You might look into the s/w with which you have created the .pdf file'. That's why I want to inquire if someone is familiair with this problem and what we can do to solve this.
She can see text in a .pdf created with the help of :
1. MSWord printed with PDFCreator with font 'Franklin Gothic Demi'.
2. Fast Reports 4.9.52 with font 'Arial'
She cannot see it when created with:
3. Fast Reports 4.9.52 with font 'Franklin Gothic Demi' nor 'Franklin Gothic Book'
4. Fast Reports 4.9.106 with font 'Franklin Gothic Demi'
BTW it exports ok here wxp,D2010, fr4.9.106 with out embedding.
This message means what it says
" 'Cannot find or create the font 'Franklin Gothic Demi'. Some characters may not display or print correctly.' " so i would expect the font is installed incorrectly.
You suggested that the installed font was not good. I believe their must be some version conflict with this font and how viewers and creators handle it. I've done a test printing from Word with a Franklin Gothic Demi text to pdfCreator with the check 'embed all fonts' off. The result showed on my own machine were squares. So not good either. The test .pdf with Word, I referred to in my previous post, was with 'embed all fonts' on.