"invalid variant operation" exporting to Excel 2010
Has anyone been testing to Export with fastreports to Excel Office 2010 with success?
I get the message: 'invalid variant operation'. However I am testing with a trial version of Office 2010.
What could this be?
I get the message: 'invalid variant operation'. However I am testing with a trial version of Office 2010.
What could this be?
usually occurs when the expression parser can not resolve an expression.
a typical case is a report which uses the on getvalue event (requires .exe to be running), being run from the ide by clicking on mnu-file-preview.
I don't fully understand your answer. When I run the exact same report with Office 2010 (click-and-run) or with Office 2003. With Office 2003 the report can be displayed without any error. With Office 2010 (click-and-run) it cann't.
Delphi 2010 a choice had to be made as to which office controls were being used 2003 or a later version and have you tried exporting to open document spreadsheat.
BTW which version build no of fr are you using.
So somehow installed applications cannot open it.
The version of Fast Report I currently use is 4.9.52