Problem showing report
When try to show report with this code:
frxADOQuery1.Active := false;
frxADOQuery1.ParamByName('ParamX').Value := ADOStoredProc1X.AsInteger;
frxADOQuery1.Active := true;
error occurs ('missing path to frxCustomDB.pas').
But, after adding a path (C:\Program Files (x86)\FastReports\FastReport 4\Source) in Library - Win32 (Delphi Options), then other error occurs:
[DCC Error] MyProject.dpr(105): F2051 Unit frxADOComponents was compiled with a different version of frxCustomDB.TfrxCustomQuery
frxADOQuery1.Active := false;
frxADOQuery1.ParamByName('ParamX').Value := ADOStoredProc1X.AsInteger;
frxADOQuery1.Active := true;
error occurs ('missing path to frxCustomDB.pas').
But, after adding a path (C:\Program Files (x86)\FastReports\FastReport 4\Source) in Library - Win32 (Delphi Options), then other error occurs:
[DCC Error] MyProject.dpr(105): F2051 Unit frxADOComponents was compiled with a different version of frxCustomDB.TfrxCustomQuery