I have got "script error: unknown type TDataset", someone help me please...
I wrote the following procedure in "code" page:
procedure DetailData1OnMasterDetail(Sender: TfrxComponent);
Dh: Integer;
ds1, ds2, ds3: TDataset;
ds1 := TfrxDBDataSet(MasterData1.DataSet).DataSet;
ds2 := TfrxDBDataSet(DetailData1.DataSet).DataSet;
ds3 := TfrxDBDataSet(Report.GetDataSet('rpdsSk')).DataSet;
It works fine when designing, but if I try to preview the report page at runtime in my app, I got the following exception:
Script error at 9:31: unknown type 'TDataset'.
and I found that the exception was thrown at here:
function TfsILParser.FindClass(const TypeName: String): TfsClassVariable;
Result := FProgram.FindClass(TypeName);
if Result = nil then
raise Exception.Create(SUnknownType + '''' + TypeName + '''');
I am so so sad about this......any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks a lot.......
should be
ds1, ds2, ds3: TfrxdbDataset;
It does work, I still got error with message "Scripts error : Unknown type "TfrxDataset"......
Thanks a lot.
before begin end. block of report code
i: Integer;
ds: TfrxDataSet;
list: TStringList;
this may be used in any procedure
ds := Report.GetDataset('frxDBDataSet1'); // the username of the ds
list := TStringList.Create;
for i := 0 to list.Count - 1 do
somevar := ds.Value[list]; // get field value by its name